Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Nexus 4 battery saving Tips/Technique

This post contains tips to save the battery on nexus 4. If you are fine with one day of battery usage you can close the tab. It is especially for not tech savvy people who want their standby time to be good and also features when they need it.
Of course normal instruction/guideline to save battery are included. Even after following these normal instruction that are published every where if you are not getting good battery back up from nexus 4, this is for you. No app grap!
By no way is nexus 4's battery worse or bad. It is just that you as a person using it need to be sensible/rationale, for example if your phone is trying to receive a signal from a object that is a distance of 36000 km--every single second of its operation and that too without LOS( line-of-sight) you should know every bit of the battery will be used and signal that will be received will be, more often then not, too sporadic to be of any use. So it will be useless. Agree? So turn the GPS off when you don't need it.
This is when you use GPS inside your house perhaps on cloudy day.

This on stock android 4.3.* unroot

Normal instruction
1. Location update switch off. It will kill your battery in 20 hours
2. Turn off NFC, most of the time you won't need it.
3. Try to do main data  transfer on Wifi. Network data transfer turn off
4. Make google auto-backup turn off also. You don't need every photo backed up, do you? At least i don't.
5. Try never to use google now. This is for Indian users especially. If you are not that much into using google now features, it makes sense to not activate it.

Now after you have done above thing, just make sure of some/below points. As i have seen many  people asking that 'even after following all this instruction there nexus 4 last only a day'( One day is less for them as they are coming from nokia handsets which easily use to work 4 days)

1. If you have Turned off the location update but you see that google framework in battery stats taking lot of memory. Perhaps equal to your onscreen time. Or worse is keeping you cpu always live/active. This is because of (kind of) hidden setting. First time you start using google now, it will ask for your permission for location update which you gladly give and forget about it. Even after you are not using the google now or have turned it of, google will go on sending you location information.You ask how and why? why i don't know, how i will tell you. In setting of google now, go to "Privacy & accounts" --> "Google Location Settings" Check off and disable Location reporting, location history. This is the main reason google framework was taking so much of batter in background. Now you will see that standby time increases significantly.

2. If you have done above steps and still not getting good battery life then there is one more thing that you could do. Google have many insidious ways to get user-location from many pre-installed apps. Google please don't do that. This time go to google+ settings from settings menu. Then to Location sharing then you will see ( most probably ) location sharing as on. i think this options reports your location even if you have gps turned off perhaps through wifi. I am no privacy freak but i would like to save battery ( especially standby time) and privacy is added effect. You might have turned it on while you first logged in google but forget about it from then on. Remember this is different from above steps as previous step was for system wide settings but this one is for google+ app only. Though google+ will tell it won't change much ..blah..blah.. but really telling it matter. So go do it if you need it.

3. I think it may be little perspicuous to pro android users but some are still oblivion towards internal of android memory/process management so would like to share my experience. People tend to think if they press home(middle) button as they get to home screen, process they where running is either closed or stopped. Not necessarily and if you see the memory usages you find your answer. So the other day i was searching for good wallpapers, which i found many , i did not close the chrome, one of the heavy apps, and let it run for 5 hours. Then when i checked battery i found chrome have drained 20 percent of battery in 5 hours even in background. That is preposterous to me. I think google apps get some kind of preferential treatment. So i would suggest to close an app from task bar key, right key. That is more correct way IMHO.

4. Use Battery Doctor, i am not a developer of this app but a satisfied user. It contains many useful tips to improve battery life. Below tips are from that app only.
  1. Try to avoid USB charging because the the current is lower and it will take longer to charge.
  2. Device need to breath and some cases prevent this from happening. So if you find your phone is heating up then remove the case.
  3. Please do a full charging regularly. To maintain lithium batteries run a full charging once a month.
i would add more tips as i get time/experience.

If you have some suggestion along this lines, please please , share. It takes a lot of head hitting for single person to figure out all the mysterious things google do.

After using Nexus 4 for more then 8-9 months i can safely say using above point will not make drastic changes to your phone charging patterns.
I have found it does not matter how much i use my phone it gets discharged in a day, with full functionality on ... like google now, location update, gps etc.  And so i have to charge it at night.
If i don't use all the features then i would save, say 30-40 battery life at the end of the day. Either way i have to charge it as i can't go around other whole day with that much charge...so why go down on features...Use them.
I believe it is in some way google's policy to push people to use there product especially google now..

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