Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Essays on Meditation - A personal

Below are my personal  (non ctrl-c && ctrl-v ) non bookess views on meditation. A process which I have cherished for activating certain energy centers in body to feel or perceive well-being unconditionally.

I consider that meditation is an addiction to peace. Or silence or whatever you want to call that feeling of independent thinking and thoughtless awareness. As simple as that.Some may say it is higher concentration, some say it is special form of concentration on God, Some are of view that it is door of immense blissful state and so on. It may all be true, but in real sense , if you are a beginner it is just that peace that brings you back to sit quickly for few minutes during day, not so much for others as for your own good because you value your internal peace as well. Meditation is an addiction to silence, your true identity, your true love for your higher self(which you are not sure exists till now perhaps just read about it) , to find a place where you fit-in in this world without conditions.

You would love to be in that serene moment of liquid peace , when thoughts seems to vanish for good, when you begin to feel happy, joy, free all for no reason, It is like completely out of blue that you feel like for first time you observe your mind from a distance, giving you insight about what makes you happy and sad, and these emotional waves can be seen as you are standing on shores . You just become your own in-active observer. You know the difference of what is mine and what is me. It is like in pristine water you can see the fishes-thoughts in it, some fishes are nice, some look great and some just plain tempting. But you are observing them from a distance you do not intend to swim in between them. This birds eye view helps to sort out some of the issues in your life so easily. Because in this moment, when you see your thoughts sprouting from every corner of your mind you actually become aware how uncontrolled they are and want to take control of them as you view them your only reason of restlessness. These thoughts are like weeds which can only be seen or removed during this lovely time of meditation.You take inspiration for the thought that what is restless or in motion will some day ceases but which is still, persists. You begin to explore the truth behind the statements(whose existence you doubt) or truth in our scriptures i.e. Gita, kuran , Bible. And though they seem to trouble you otherwise in normal consciousness but while you in the stillness you don’t feel so much distance from them. It feels like they are obviously true. How could i have missed those?

When it is said to so many people that they are souls and should not worry too much about this world they just can’t feel that way deep inside them, And they are not wrong in not having those feeling either . Actually thing is this , You can only know that you are soul if you meditate.  Until then everything that others say you can just appreciate for their effort to make you happy. But you will not be able to feel a word what they say until you actually want to feel, what life is by giving yourself some silent time.

You feel life more intensely when you meditate. You become more aware of your small moments of joy, happiness whether with your loved ones, with your friends or with your own self.
It gives you chance to analysis your life in your own terms and not what others think of it or want to think of it as. If you move around you can see people who can’t even smile there  true smile, and when want to cry they don’t know what to do, neither can they laugh or cry,  It is like they have a hole in their hearts , it there life is so hollow they can’t seem to find the meaning of what is going in there life, everything is out of control . For such people , if only they sit to meditate they can figure out all the subconscious problems that are effecting them in-directly and making them feel life less  than what they are supposed to. I think life is wonderful and believe me it can be only if you make an effort to invest in your own too. You will love what meditation can give you.

Every learning is an mediation , you need not sit silently in a dark room always,  though it is preferable in most case. You can still be your self, your higher self at work if you just concentrate at the work with utter devotion. It is easier to reach to level of no thoughts if you have only one thought to leave, It is easier to renounce if you only have your need to look out for :)

Someone said we are what we are between our thoughts. Meditation is just a way to realize that.
Small gaps in between your thoughts gradually bloom into longer periods of quiet mindedness, and then those periods of quietness start to lengthen and deepen until one day, you find that you are able to sink into prolonged states of profound, blissful stillness.

Meditation is probably the best form of prayer. A silent one but never-the-less most effective. Both scientifically and personally. As i always believe”PRAY. it always works”. It is silent prayer of soul to universe to break the web of bounds and make it free. Like a drop ardently seeking to join ocean.If only i could emphasise this metaphor more than enough.

More you meditate you realize a subtle truth about your body. Your consciousness will present you with a realization that this bundle of energy is more like a attire. Which you ought to leave sooner than later.

To be continue....

Sunday, 11 August 2013

USB Charging problem solution on nexus 4 android 4.3 update

Hi Amigos,
Nexus  4 have been my apple of eye from the day i held it in my hand with back ground thought every new update will make it more better/efficient. I fell in love with that idea. But Android 4.3 update uprooted it.
Just to give you a hint of kind of distress i was in.I was musing (hard to think of sharing something which you love )about selling it at cheap price because of this problem. Thank god i did not.

Problem: My nexus 4 would not charge(power) when connect to USB or Power AC when turned on. Neither was it detecting as MTP device on both windows/Ubuntu. Tried different PCs/OSs/Cables etc.
Current state: Problem is not completely solved i.e. Phone is still not detected by my PC but it is charging  both from USB and AC(wall in American way :) ) And i am on cloud nine. For gods sake i don't have to sell or waste any more time on it.
Things that i Tried that did not work.
1. Enable USB debugging in developer option. In every forum i visited i found this one given. Did not work.
2. Make USB connection to MTP or PTP from USB computer connection in storage of settings. Did not work.
3. Tried to remove SIM card --> Turned off --> Turned on --> USB charge connected. Still not charge.
4. Tried removing cache, temporary files , uninstalling most recent app thinking it might be because of some incompatible app. Did not work.
5. Tried Factory reset. Three times. Lost all the data. Still did not work. Felt Hopeless.
6. Tried with Nexus toolkit (new version) as phone was not getting detected at all it also did not work.
7. Tried downloading ever USB app found on the app store thinking may be it would show up some information. One app out of these helped in solving this problem though.

So what did work? To be truthful i don't know either but i will state the steps. Please don't try to judge me with kind of irrational things that i try or try to find rationale of doing what i did. I was desperate.


1. Turned the phone off --> connect USB -----> charging.
2. Turned it on ---> connect USB ---->> not charging.
3. Turned MTP off, usb debugging off -->> still not charging
4. Tried USB host Diagnostics app --> click "start diagnostics" then follow instruction.If you are lucky phone will start recharging now. I was not that lucky.
5. Took the sim card out.
5. Switched the phone off.
6. Turned it back on and Tested the same test i.e. "start diagnostics". This time i got a different screen
something i never got.

And as you can see battery started recharging...Volllaa...  i was so happy that moment.

I am not the developer of this app.
I am not hundred percent sure it would work for all or not but just thought i might help some one in distress like me.
As of now nexus is charging but not detected by PC/linux. If someone finds a way to do same i would give my love to her/him(no :) ).
Edit:1 After step 3 i also uninstalled the updates of goggle play services. To be safe you can uninstall all the updates that you can uninstall that came with 4.3 android as you can install it any time later until we know the RCA ( root cause) of this issue.

Edit:2 (date:21st August 2013)
Timothy Yuen Commented below and for some mysterious reason deleted the same.With the thought it might help someone else i am putting it down. This is my request , please don't be shy/anything to share.. It is in general good of fellow human beings..

I had the same problem and couldn't get it to recharge, and had tried all the steps (MTP on/off etc).

And then it worked.

Current settings before getting it to work
- MTP is checked
- Phone is turned on
- Galaxy nexus phone
- never took off SIM

My steps
- turned on wifi (so i could download the app. i just didn't want to use my data on the mobile plan).
- downloaded and installed the USB Host Diagnostics App
- opened the app (and wondered what I had to do)
- with usb cable connected to computer, i connected the other end to the phone.
- and then the message 'Connected as a mobile device'. Woohoo, it's charging as well now!

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