Thursday, 12 April 2012

Checking Current version of ubuntu

While working on finding solution to my sound problem on ubuntu , i had to find version number of OS , so Just googled it and type it here with hope that concise answer will be useful , as they are rare!

To check your Ubuntu version using the command line:
  1. Open a Terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) or Press CTRL+ALT+T.
  2. Type lsb_release -a and press Enter.
  3. The Ubuntu version will be displayed on the screen.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

MongoLabs Question.

During my recent work with deploying site on Heroku, using database of  MongoDb I came to know we need to use MongoLabs addon also. So my question was, Can developer share same Database across many apps, deployed on Heroku? As in our project we need to share database. So i questioned there support team and i must say they replayed promptly. There answer was "Yes, what you're trying to do is possible. You'll want to share and use the same MONGOLAB_URI for your database with each of your applications running on Heroku." 

So using same MONGOLAB_URI did it for me. Thanks for reading. This is my first post. Please do comment if any question/suggestion or if this post helped :)
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